(Natural News) The march of tyranny is upon us. You see it every day in the covid lockdowns, vaccine propaganda, government-sponsored censorship and banking / finance restrictions on what you’re allowed to do with your own money. The shocking truth, however, is that it’s going to get far, …
dApp Store kit adopts new tech stack to power Web3 gaming development
dApp Store Kit, which was initially incubated by Polygon Labs, will integrate Ready Games’ mobile game development toolkit to help developers roll out Web3 games. dApp Store Kit’s toolkit for deploying EVM-compatible DApp stores will combine with Ready Games, allowing developers to integrate Web3 on-chain support. This will include the …
The Regulation Tortoise and the AI Hare — Global Issues
Credit: NicoElNino / Shutterstock.com Opinion by Robert Whitfield (london) Friday, June 16, 2023 Inter Press Service LONDON, Jun 16 (IPS) – Regulation of a technology typically emerges sometime after it has been used in a product or service, or, worse, the risks become apparent. This responsive approach is regrettable when real …
Teenager loses government job after saying there are only two genders; Free speech violated
Transgender flag. (Image via St. Louis Post-Dispatch) An Idaho teenager has lost a job with the U.S. Forest Service for telling classmates at his high school that there are only two genders. Earlier, he was barred by his school from walking at graduation for saying this. This is a violation …
Night owls may die earlier because they tend to drink and smoke more, study suggests
Night owls’ tendency to smoke more cigarettes and drink more alcohol than early birds could explain why evening people have a higher risk of early death than early risers do, a large analysis suggests. “This can reassure people concerned about what being a morning or evening person means for their …
‘Direct Bribery’: Republican Congressman Confirms FBI Document Refers To ‘Big Guy’
Republican Texas Rep. Pat Fallon on Wednesday confirmed reports that an FBI document refers to Joe Biden, calling him the “Big Guy.” “The most explosive claim is that the Burisma CEO, and he has no reason to make this up, says that he paid Hunter Biden $5 million and that …
They said it might be the coolest print out there, and they might be right
Tiny, 6-shot, pump action crossbow. The design is as near perfect as i have found. I got bolts off Amazon for .03 cents each ($17 for 60) it'll throw them more than 30m. Black theratubing, some springs, a few 3mm screws/nuts, and some string and you are in business https://legolini.com/ …
Napoli-Eintracht, arrivano pullman con tifosi della squadra tedesca: la polizia presidia
Bus di tifosi dell’Eintracht Francoforte sono arrivati mercoledì mattina presso l’hotel dove alloggiano altri supporter tedeschi. source
Il fiume di denaro che ha permesso i 3 anni di autoritarismo mondiale: da dove viene e cosa fare…
Guarda il video integrale senza censura sul nostro canale Telegram: https://t.me/dentrolanotizia/3039 Se apprezzate il nostro … source
12 Common Muscle-Building Mistakes – Breaking Muscle
The ability to build muscle in response to training is a part of our physiology. It’s deeply encoded in our DNA and persists throughout our lifespan. Meaning, lifters of any age and experience level should be able to add noticeable muscle to their frames. Credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock If …
Lefties Rail Against Library Book Bans
On Monday, the governor of Illinois signed a law to ban the banning of library books. “Here in Illinois, we don’t hide from the truth, we embrace it,” said Democrat governor Jay Robert Pritzker. “Young people shouldn’t be kept from learning about the realities of our world; I want them …
Live con Giulia Pompili, esperta d’Asia Orientale!
Al Cuore dell’Italia, Giulia Pompili e Valerio Valentini: https://amzn.to/3fhUvgU SUPPORTA LO SHOW! source
Imminent Cyber Attacks on European Banks and Nuclear Conflict being Threatened Over Ukraine
by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The U.S. corporate media reported today that the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) reported to CNN that a global cyberattack has targeted multiple U.S. federal government agencies today. US Government Agencies Breached In Global Cyber Attack Incident Earlier this morning, the U.S. …
DeSantis Allies WARN Abortion Ban Could BACKFIRE | Breaking Points
Krystal and Saagar discuss Ron DeSantis pushing his 6 week abortion ban as the GOP continues suffering from the backlash to … source
Neutron bomb is out now on iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo and GooglePlay!
Get it now on: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/neutron-bomb/id1657651462?ls=1 Amazon: … source