You might think, going by the usual stereotypes, that men would be more delinquent on student loans than women, but lo and behold, it turns out that women appear to be much slower in paying down their student loan balances. This from a report from the Jain Family Institute. The study …
Judge your Resume with AI
submitted by /u/davidmezzetti [comments] Source link
What is Point Nemo, the remote, watery satellite graveyard where the ISS will go to die?
It’s been called the “loneliest place on earth” — a location so remote it would take days to traverse the 1,670 miles (2,700 kilometers) of ocean between this point and the nearest patch of land — which, even then, is just a cluster of tiny islands inhabited only by birds. …
Revealed: Israel Has Hamas Oct 7 Plans One Year Before, But Did Nothing
If true, this would not be surprising, considering other Israeli failure both on the battlefield, and in their intelligence operations. Is has been reported in a recent edition of the New York Times that the Hamas Oct. 7 operation against the Israeli occupiers stationed along the Gaza security wall, which …
Casio Strikes Again with Forthcoming G-SHOCK NFTs
Propelled by the timely success of its previous free batch of G-SHOCK assets, Casio is set to unwind another exclusive collection of G-SHOCK NFTs on December 15 — anyone’s eligible via a G-SHOCK CREATOR PASS on The celebrated watchmaker is set to unveil 2,000 VIRTUAL G-SHOCK NFTs featuring two new, distinct …
ASX Stock Market Updates | Australian Share market | Breaking News | Stock Market Live.
Kalkine TV is a one-stop solution to all the market-related nuances. The streaming platform offers in-depth and latest information … source
Congress moves forward with proposed ban on Beijing-linked biotech firm allegedly STEALING DNA from Americans –
Congress moves forward with proposed ban on Beijing-linked biotech firm allegedly STEALING DNA from Americans Congress has moved forward with a proposed amendment that prohibits a biotechnology firm with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is allegedly stealing DNA from Americans. The measure passed by the Republican-controlled …
Should Albo do a Dan Andrews and ignore the media? | The West Report
Westy talks about wether Albo should do a Dan Andrews and bypass fossil media. They’re going to bat for Peter Dutton … source
How to empty your mind filled with garbage | A powerful zen story |
A beautiful buddhist story in which a zen monk teaches his disciples how to empty your mind. This story will teach you attachment … source
Why Agroecology Should Be Considered as Key for Climate Negotiations — Global Issues
The land at St Denis Libolina primary, a school for physically challenged has been transformed into food forests and gardens using agroecology and feed the children, teachers. They have now sent a challenge to the community to do the same. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS by Isaiah Esipisu (dubai) Saturday, December 02, 2023 …
Addio a Berlusconi, l’arrivo dell’amico Fedele Confalonieri a Villa San Martino
A Villa San Martino, ad Arcore, è arrivato anche Fedele Confalonieri, amico di sempre di Silvio Berlusconi. Nella residenza, dove … source
Rapporti Steve Kirsch, prof Mark Crispin Miller, dott William Makis, Ed Dowd: 99,9% morti improvvise
Guarda il video integrale senza censura sul nostro canale Telegram e iscriviti gratuitamente: Se … source
The Unhinged Among Us – Liberty Unyielding
Pro-Hamas demonstration at George Mason University By Victor Davis Hanson October 7 should have been an open-and-shut case of moral condemnation. During peace and holiday, invading Hamas gunmen murdered, tortured, mass raped, decapitated and mutilated some 1,200 Israelis. The vast majority were unarmed women, children, infants and the elderly. The …
Catastrophic Contagion 2025 – Mark the Date, and Be Ready!
Strap yourselves in guys – the Oracle has Spoken! In this super-short video I’ll reveal our Pandemic Future – 2025 is the year to … source
New Year’s Fitness Sales (2024)
We receive free products and receive commissions through our links. See disclosures page. Getting in shape and eating healthier tops many people’s New Year resolution lists. Even if you already work out consistently and follow a solid nutrition plan, the new year can be an excellent time to set new …
So now they’re talking about it…
Support the channel by grabbing a t-shirt: Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated … source
SEC Attorneys Hit by Judge With Reprimand and Possible Sanctions in Debt Box Case
A federal judge first slapped Debt Box with a temporary restraining order, restricting its access to its assets, in August. However, he later dissolved the order after Debt Box demonstrated it had neither moved funds outside the U.S., nor closed its bank accounts two days before a hearing over the …
Las Vegas Muslim Convert Arrested In Terror Bomb Plot “Against the Enemies of Allah”
Investigators said there was no indication of a continued threat, calling it “isolated.” If there are millions of Muslims who believe in these Islamic exhortations, how can it be isolated? Why do so many Muslim converts understand Islam in this exact same way? What mosque did he attend? He lived …
How to Mark Module Level Completion via API
Mark Module level Completion via API Audience: Integration admin role and administrators of Adobe Learning Manager account Step 1: Login as integration admin of the ALM account > Developer Resources > API References Step 2: Authorize admin to read and write. Prerequisites: User ID: Obtain the user ID by executing the API: GET …