How to Mark Module Level Completion via API

Mark Module level Completion via API

Audience: Integration admin role and administrators of Adobe Learning Manager account

Step 1: Login as integration admin of the ALM account > Developer Resources > API References

Step 2: Authorize admin to read and write.


  1. User ID: Obtain the user ID by executing the API: GET /users
  2. Course ID: Obtain the course ID by executing the API: GET /learningObjects
  3. Module ID: Obtain the module ID by executing the API: GET /learningObjects/{id}?instances.loResources

To Get Module ID:

  • Each course consists of one or more modules, such as self-paced modules or virtual instructor-led training (VILT) modules. To determine the specific module for which the learner should be marked complete, you need to obtain the module ID.

    To obtain the module ID, you can execute the following API:

    GET /learningObjects/{id} (Retrieves the details of a learning object)

    In this API call, you need to include the parameter instances.loResources.

  • You will obtain the module ID “loResources” section in the response body:

Another Method to GET Module ID for particular users: GET /users/{id}/enrollments/{enrollmentId} ( Which is explained in the below video.

Sample Payload:

“data”: {
“type”: “userModuleGrade”,
“attributes”: {
“completed”: true,
“dateCompleted”: “2023-08-08T22:46:00.000Z”,
“dateStarted”: “2023-08-08T20:04:51.000Z”,
“dateSuccess”: “2023-08-08T22:46:00.000Z”,
“duration”: 0,
“maxScore”: 0,
“minScore”: 0,
“score”: 0,
“started”: true,
“success”: true
“relationships”: {
“course”: {
“data”: {
“type”: “course”,
“id”: “7392088”
“learner”: {
“data”: {
“type”: “user”,
“id”: “17656244”
“module”: {
“data”: {
“type”: “courseModule”,
“id”: “course:7392088(course )_12626833(module)_0”

For a Detailed Blog you can refer to the link: Click here

Please refer to the step-by-step video execution below

Source link

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