NY: Muslim Gunman Fires Shots Outside Albany Synagogue on Chanukah, Dozen of Preschoolers Were Inside At The Time

Islamic Jew hatred — a central pillar of Islam.

A man was arrested Thursday afternoon after he allegedly fired off a shotgun in the parking area of an Albany, New York, synagogue, Gov. Kathy Hochul said.

The FBI identified the suspect in Thursday’s incident as Mufid Fawaz Alkhader, who is being charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.

‘FREE PALESTINE’: Islamic shooter arrested near Albany synagogue

By JNS, December 8, 2023:

A 28-year-old man from Albany, N.Y., is under arrest after he fired a weapon in the parking lot of Temple Israel in the state capital on Thursday, a few hours before the start of Chanukah and as students at the congregation’s early childhood center were inside the building.

The incident happened around 2:30 p.m. There were no reported injuries or fatalities or damage to the Conservative synagogue.

The suspect was seen walking around the synagogue and acting “suspicious” before he fired a round from a shotgun and made verbal threats, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, said at a press conference.

At least two dozen preschoolers were on the premises at the time, and the school went into immediate lockdown, said the governor. Parents were notified, and all have been reunited with their children.

Federal law enforcement is investigating with local and state police, Hochul said. The man who was arrested has a rap sheet, the governor said, but she declined to give additional information. She also declined to say what the suspect said before firing the weapon.

The Times Union reported that the man allegedly yelled “Free Palestine,” although it wasn’t clear if the suspect said that at the time of the alleged shooting or subsequently. It cited “city police and a person briefed on the matter.”

Antisemitism has risen “dramatically” in the state in recent weeks, the governor said, fueling anxiety among Jewish New Yorkers. To know that someone brought a loaded gun to a synagogue “shakes people to their core,” she said.

People shouldn’t have to be frightened at the time that a “beautiful” holiday is about to start, she added……


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