After he went down in flames in Thursday evening’s ill-advised and unscheduled press conference, the whole world knows (if it didn’t know already) that Old Joe Biden is not fit to be president of the United States. But like the Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda, who refused to believe that World War II was over and held out for nearly third years in the Philippines jungle, there is one holdout who still insists that Biden is fit, competent, and ready to wreak more havoc upon the nation until Jan. 20, 2029: Rachel Maddow.
At his hastily arranged press conference, which was designed to upstage Tucker Carlson’s interview with a lucid and knowledgeable Vladimir Putin, as well as to put to rest new concerns about his competence after the Special Counsel investigate his mishandling of classified documents decided he was too old and senile to stand trial, Old Joe shouted that his memory was fine. He also informed the world that he wore on his wrist a rosary he obtained at “Our Lady of –,” at which point he trailed off into silence. As if that weren’t enough, Biden added that the president of Mexico, El-Sisi, was watching developments at the Gaza border.
But aa far as Maddow and her MSNBC co-host Chris Hayes were concerned, anyone who suggested that these were just the latest signs, among a large number of others, that Biden is unable to discharge the duties of the presidency was guilty of “ageism.” That’s not quite as bad as racism in the left’s hierarchy of major sins, but as long as the people who are running the Biden regime want to keep Old Joe around as a figurehead, it’s plenty bad.
Hayes accordingly complained that concerns over Biden’s advanced age and vastly diminished competence (magnified by the fact that he was hardly an intellectual giant in the first place) were cheap shots, for there was no remedy: “If someone says, ‘You’re too far left,’ you can tack to the center, but there’s nothing you can do if someone says you’re too old.”
That was when Maddow gave us her all-purpose refutation of claims that Biden is not competent to be president: “He rides a bike.”
Yes, she really said that. Is she suffering from memory issues of her own? Has she forgotten the most famous incident involving Old Joe and a bicycle? The New York Post reported Friday that Biden has indeed “been known to enjoy taking his $599 Trek FX hybrid bike for a spin.” Oh, well, then! Keep the border wide open and inflation skyrocketing! Then, however, the Post had the temerity to remind us that “during one sunny day in Delaware back in 2022, Biden fell off his bicycle — and social media users pounced on the opportunity to create a slew of memes spoofing the presidential pratfall.”
Yes, and some of them were riotously funny, but apparently Rachel Maddow didn’t see any of them, and did not realize that the primary association most Americans have regarding Biden and bicycles is that he fell off one, and he wasn’t even moving at the time. He fell off the bike while it was standing still.
What’s more, Thursday’s debacle with the president of Mexico and Our Lady of Whatever were just the latest. In the last few days, Biden has claimed to have recently discussed the left’s phony Jan. 6 “insurrection” with former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died in 2017, and former French President François Mitterrand (whom Old Joe referred to as “Mitterrand of Germany,” although in that particular he did correct himself), who died in 1996. Maybe next Rachel Maddow can tell us how Biden conducts the coolest seances in Washington, and that at the last one she had a nice chat with Susan B. Anthony or Emma Goldman or Sappho, or whomever she might wish to have Old Joe summon.
There isn’t anything that Biden could do that would make Maddow and Hayes and people like them go off the reservation. They’re lifers. They’re convinced and amply compensated party apparatchiks. The only thing that could get them to turn on Old Joe would be a signal from those who are really running things that the sinister old corruptocrat has outlived his usefulness. That signal hasn’t been given yet.
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