In the wake of the Biden regimes betrayal of Israel, Hamas is escalating the war against the Jewish state with their collaborators in the axis of evil, Iran:
Ismail Haniyeh in Iran today: “Israel has failed and they have no more support in the world” This is the work of the shit-for-brain in the WH
— Raylan Givens (@JewishWarrior13) March 26, 2024
The gang of killers look very well fed, barely can fit on the sofa!
Today in Iran, Hamas terror leadership, met with the leader of the great sponsor of terrorism—Ali Khamenei.
Iranian are suffering from poverty, workers haven’t been paid for months but they are using the money to…— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) March 26, 2024
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Iran and Hamas are literally taking a victory lap in Teheran celebrating the U.S. break with Israel at the UN. Hamas now confidently rejecting all proposed deals for freeing the hostages. The diplomatic malpractice being committed by the Biden Administration is breathtaking!
— David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) March 26, 2024
Hamas made an official announcement, hardening their position in future negotiations 🤦
Are the USA happy now?“The Hamas movement informed the mediators a short time ago that it maintains its position which it presented on 14.3 according to which the occupation’s answer does…
— Hamas Atrocities (@HamasAtrocities) March 25, 2024
After the UN decision, Islamic Jihad fired rockets on Sderot in celebration
— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) March 25, 2024
Iran backed Hezb’Allah firing rockets now into Israel:
Massive missile direct hit in Kiryat Shmona, north Israel, this morning
Mind you, there is no territorial dispute between Israel and Lebanon.
This is Hezbollah firing rockets against civilian targets in Israel— Hamas Atrocities (@HamasAtrocities) March 27, 2024
This morning, Hezbollah terrorists fired more than 30 rockets towards Kiryat Shmona.
In one of the rocket attacks, Zahar Bashara, a resident of Israeli-Druze village of Ein Qinyye, was killed by Hezbollah rocket. Bashara worked in Kiryat Shmona’s industrial zone.
Two other…
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) March 27, 2024
Hamas Leader Haniyeh Travels to Iran for Meetings With Top Officials, Speaks of Israel’s ‘Political Isolation’
By Algemeiner Staff, March 26, 2024;
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh traveled to Iran to meet Iranian officials on Tuesday, one day after the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group.
Iran, whose leaders routinely call for Israel’s destruction, has backed Hamas in the nearly six-month war with the Jewish state. The Iranian regime has for years provided Hamas, which also aims to destroy Israel, with arms, funding, and training.
“Iran stands at the forefront of supporting the cause and people of Palestine,” Haniyeh said during a press conference in Tehran. “I extend special thanks to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the President of Iran, and the people of Iran.”
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani called Monday’s UN resolution a “positive step”.
“A more important step is effective action for its implementation,” Kanaani said.
The United States abstained from the UN vote, adding to growing tensions between its ally Israel and the Biden administration.
Hamas welcomed the UN resolution but said the ceasefire must be permanent.
“Although this resolution came late and there may be some gaps that need to be filled, the resolution itself indicates that the Israeli occupation is experiencing unprecedented political isolation,” Haniyeh told a press conference in Tehran.
The Hamas chief, who is reportedly a billionaire and lives a life of luxury abroad in Qatar, also argued that Israel is “losing political cover and protection even in the Security Council” and that “the US is unable to impose its will on the international community.
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