It’s like a Babylon Bee headline but it’s real.
“They also question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing”
Ya think? But the article has all kinds of important information in there. The applications they are developing are insane: like every disease you’ve ever heard of like EBV and HPV and AIDS and Zika that they’re going to give to “prevent” (but really cause.) And when it fails and makes you sick, too bad. But the population is now full of new customers!
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Moderna Unveils mRNA Vaccines to Treat Side Effects of Covid Shots
By: Hunter Fielding, News Addicts, April 3, 2024:
Moderna has just unveiled new mRNA vaccines that the pharmaceutical giant has developed to treat the deadly side effects of Covid shots.
During its Vaccines Day Event for investors on March 28, Moderna announced progress on multiple mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutic candidates in its “pipeline.”
Three vaccines targeting Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Varicella-zoster virus (VZV, chickenpox and shingles) and Norovirus are advancing to “pivotal late-stage development,” the company said.
Moderna also announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine mRNA-1345 for older adults. This is part of an expected $52 billion market for Moderna’s infectious disease vaccines.
“We continue to explore the application of mRNA in the potential treatment of cardiovascular and other ischemic vascular diseases,” Moderna’s website states in its product plans for therapeutic areas.
The company also is developing mRNA solutions for cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Citing the well-documented and often serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some scientists and doctors said they are concerned about the dangers of existing and new mRNA formulations.
They also question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing.
Blocking the ‘foot soldiers of the immune system’
Synthetic-modified RNA (modRNA) in the cells suppresses innate immunity that keeps latent viruses at bay and protects against new infections, according to Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense.
“One of the mechanisms involves microRNAs that suppress the production of cellular interferon, which is extremely important for attack against viral infections as well as tumor suppression,” Hooker told The Defender.
Hooker pointed to the June 2022 paper by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Dr. Peter McCullough and others that explored innate immune suppression by mRNA vaccines.
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