This is Islamic Revolution in America: FLOOD THE GATES: ESCALATE

Jew hating terrorists across American college campuses are passing around multiple guides directing radicals on how to break into buildings, “escalate” protests, create weapons and even administer first aid. It’s a primer for revolution.

Campus ‘occupation guide’ taps into agitators’ ‘rage,’ instructs how to ‘escalate’ chaos

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‘We keep us safe by escalating. Don’t hesitate to take more risk,’ one guide advises

By Emma Colton Fox News, May 3, 2024:

“Let repression breed more resistance. We will not disavow any actions taken to escalate the struggle, including militant direct actions. Our notion of ‘safety’ in the imperial core is built on centuries of corpses, and this liberal framing of ‘safetyism’ prevents us from escalating and winning, which is our duty to Palestine and us all. We keep us safe by escalating. Don’t hesitate to take more risk,” one how-to guide dubbed “FLOOD THE GATES: ESCALATE” reads.

The guide xontains various guides for radicals — through a source with access to agitators on Penn’s campus.

The guides coach student agitators and outside radicals in how to build shields out of trash cans and how to most effectively barricade a door, while advising that bolt cutters are the best tool to cut padlocks, and angle grinders are best to slice through locks, bolts and chains.

“Use the straighter end of a crowbar to pry open windows and doors (such as in the hand over hand method). Use the slightly angled part as your fulcrum, pushing it against the window frame or door jamb,” the “Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide 2024” describes. The guide informs agitators they shouldn’t pry a crowbar toward their face.

Penn, located in Philadelphia, is among the long list of schools nationwide where students and other radicals are staging anti-Israel protests, including setting up encampments. The “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on Penn’s campus was established more than a week ago, where students are demanding the school disclose its financial ties to Israel, divest from the country and provide protections for the protesters on campus, ABC 6 reported.
title page for ‘do-it-yourself occupation guide’ includes image of crowbar

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