Toronto School Board Bans Jewish Star Because It Offends Muslims

Toronto has long had a vibrant Jewish community. The very notion that the symbol of Judaism would be banned in submission to Islamic Jew hatred is, in fact, genocidal. This is Islamic annihilation in action.

The York Regional District School Board has decided that the Star of David will no longer be used as a symbol of Judaism because it is part of the flag of Israel and it is offensive to the anti Israel Muslim Community. In other words, Jews are no longer welcome in York Region. This is the new level of antisemitism,” tweeted X user @neveragainlive1.

The Star of David appears in Jewish contexts since antiquity long before Islam was ever fabricated.

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The Jewish Star (Star of David) has been the symbol of our faith for thousands of years. It is unfathomable that this is where we are just decades after the Holocaust. Never would we ever see, could we ever see, an Islamic symbol banned because it offended Jews or Christians.

We are seeing the West slouch towards its own death.

Leaked email shows why Toronto area school board didn’t use Star of David in multifaith calendar

‘A true insult to the Jewish community in the York region and across [Canada],’ tweeted Deborah Lyons

By: Courtney Greenberg,The Sherwood News, May 09, 2024:

A Toronto-area school board “will be making changes” after its decision to use a Menorah instead of the Star of David as a symbol for Judaism in its multifaith calendar sparked backlash.

Leaked email shows why Toronto area school board didn’t use Star of David in multifaith calendar

The Menorah — a candelabra that is lit over the course of the eight nights of Hannukah, known as the festival of lights — is currently being used to mark Jewish holidays.

Many were upset after the screenshot of an email by the York Region District School Board mentioned the recent tensions in Israel as a reason for not using the Star of David.

“For judaism, the Menorah was chosen over the Star of David due to its purely religious significance, while the Star of David carries political connotations with the State of Israel,” reads the leaked email.

The email was addressed to York Region District School Board trustee Estelle Cohen and superintendent of education Michael Grieve.

Deborah Lyons, the special envoy for Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism, responded to the swap on X, formerly Twitter, calling it “inconceivable.”

“A true insult to the Jewish community in the York region and across (Canada),” Lyons tweeted early Thursday. “I will reach out to Ontario’s Minister of Education and the York Region District School Board to reiterate that this must be reversed, and an apology should be issued immediately.”

Joe Roberts, managing director at Ottawa-based consultancy firm Winston Wilmont, said, “The insanity has to stop.”

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