USAID Gave Nearly $1M to Gaza Org Tied to Hamas, Right Before Oct. 7 Atrocities Against the Jewish People

USAID’s Administrator Samantha Power, Obama’s own Eva Braun, who oversees a budget of more than $63 billion a year, generously donates to Hamas using ‘non profits’– the new euphemism for terrorist groups.

USAID gave nearly $1M to Gaza charity tied to Hamas, up to six days before Oct. 7 attack on Israel

By: Isabel Vincent, NY Post, April 9, 2024:

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A Gaza-based nonprofit tied to the son of a Hamas leader received nearly $1 million in aid from the US government — with one grant arriving less than a week before the Oct. 7 terrorist strikes on Israel, according to a report.

Bayader for Environment and Development Association has secured $900,000 from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) over seven years.

The most recent grant, for $15,219, was paid out on Oct,.1, 2023, six days before the Hamas attacks on Israel which left 1,200 Israelis dead.

Bayader, which works to help children and rehabilitate polluted areas in Gaza, according to its website, is associated with Abdul Salam Haniyeh — a son of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who organized the terror attack on Israel, according to a report last week from Middle East Forum, a Philadelphia-based think tank.

“Hamas keeps an artificial distance between its leadership and these charities exactly so grants such as this USAID money and Islamic Relief funding is made possible,” said Sam Westrop, director of Middle East Forum’s counter-terrorism program. “In practice, however, these charities operate as arms of Hamas, building its infrastructure projects.”

The charity was started in 2007 in the city of Khan Unis on the Gaza Strip, shortly after Hamas took over the region.

Bayader operates in “close cooperation” with the Hamas regime, the think tank said, citing a 2021 annual report from the organization that noted multiple meetings and coordination with Hamas leaders.

The charity’s financial director, Abd Rabbo Saeed Abu Haddaf, publicly mourned the November death of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Ahmed Abu Deka, whom he referred to as a “brother and friend.”

Abu Deka served as deputy commander of the Al-Quds Brigades’ rocket forces, the Middle East Forum said.

Bayader “project coordinator” Ahlam Jama shared social media posts mourning the death of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Baha Abu al-Ata in 2019.

The group, which has been receiving cash from USAID since 2016, got its largest single payout from the federal government agency in 2021, a sum totaling $423,736.

Bayader’s cash is routed through a group of US nonprofits, which are required to thoroughly vet the foreign organization that receives the grants.

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