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The Cathars (41:28)

The Untold Story

by Paul Anthony Wallis

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Contact Mark R. Elsis

Created by Mark R. Elsis

Meetings and Stories

I am writing a book, Meetings and Stories, about my scores of meetings with notable people, predominantly in the arts, and my lifetime of incredibly fascinating stories.

Robin Williams

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis
Chapter 10
My Two Meetings With Robin Williams

Great Pyramid by Mark R. Elsis

The Great Pyramid Of Giza
Encodes The Speed Of Light
At Least Six Different Ways
by Mark R. Elsis

October 7 by Mark R. Elsis

October 7th
Dozens of archives, articles, news, videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

Strawberry Fields (Film)

John Lennon was the greatest singer-songwriter and the most influential political artist of the twentieth century. He was assassinated on Monday, December 8, 1980, walking into the Dakota, his home on the Upper West side of Manhattan, New York City. I was at the Dakota for nine hours that fateful night. I created this documentary to honor John.
Strawberry Fields:
Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive (Film) (1:22:08)
Producer | Writer | Director: Mark R. Elsis
Featuring: Crying For John Lennon
by Hargo, Produced by Phil Spector and Graham Ward
Released Online: April 1, 2020.

December 8, 1980

“I am going into an unknown future,

but I’m still all here,

and still while there’s life, there’s hope.”

John Lennon, December 8, 1980

Mind Games | David Whelan

My book is the whole truth about the John Lennon murder. The official narrative about John’s despicable murder is a lie. We all know John was obsessed with getting to the truth. I hope this book goes some way to getting to the truth of his assassination.


The Secret Team

The Secret Team

The CIA and Its Allies in Control

of the United States and the World

The Secret Team, L. Fletcher Prouty’s CIA exposé, was first published on November 30, 1972, but virtually all copies of the book disappeared upon distribution, purchased en masse by shady “private buyers.”

by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty


Trump Assassination Attempt

Hundreds of posts have been published on both assassinations attempts.

Tucker Carlson Interviews

Dozens of the best interviews by Tucker.

Donate On Give Send Go

Fake News by Mike Palecek

Live Not By Lies

Live Not By Lies by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

United Health by Jesse Welles

Jesse Welles



If Americans Knew

To inform and educate the American public on issues of major significance that are unreported, underreported, or misreported.

Israel-Palestine News

We post news and analysis from diverse sources. We also post occasional action items from and about our organization.

Free Palestine TV

“Free Palestine TV will be able to fill a large gap in the media battle with the enemy, at a time when it is difficult for our expatriate communities to defend our resistance without being subjected to persecution or harm that amounts to imprisonment or even death, and in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West, or the lack of media outlets that have live broadcasts from the front. We all hope that you will support this promising and vital project by providing it with sufficient support in order to convey our voice to the entire world and support the resistance everywhere.” ~ FPTV Founder Laith Marouf

Israeli Victim Card

Father James Mawdsley

Father James Mawdsley has produced five in-depth and insightful videos that have completely exposed the Holocaust fraud.

Tenth Amendment Center

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Freedom Taker

FreedomTaker.com endeavors to be one of the ways that Americans recover their rights, self-sufficiency and prosperity, not to mention our integrity and global reputation.

Weston A. Price Foundation

The Weston A. Price Foundation is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways.

Resist The Global Mafia

Free Roger Ver

Sign The Open Letter To Free Roger Verr.

The Secret Of Light

The Secret Of Light

Unabridged Illustrated Audiobook 5:55:30

by Walter Russell

Abortion Counters

“Abortion is an act of worship to Satan.”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

And The Leading Cause Of Death On Earth. Number Of Abortions – Abortion Counters: Each real-time abortion counter is based on the most current statistics for the number of abortions in the US and Worldwide.

My Friend Deanna

My Friend Vernon

Books by Dr. Vernon Coleman

From Dr. Vernon Coleman

Largest Covid Archive

My Friend Christopher

My Friend Jeanice

Become A Member Of BNEM

My Friend Andrew

Celebrating 25 Years Online

Celebrating 25 years online: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mark R. Elsis

The Synagogue Of Satan

ACH Show

Great Eight-Part Audio Series

An Excellent Five-Part Audio

Learn About The Most Important Issue Facing Humanity –
The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind –
An Excellent Five-Part Audio Series Based On The Book by Stephen Mitford Goodson –
Audio by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Dr. Peter Hammond

Hidden Secrets Of Money

Hidden Secrets Of Money by Mike Maloney Playlist by Mark R. Elsis With All 16 Episodes

Benjamin Freedman Speech

A Jewish Defector Warns America by Benjamin H. Freedman (2:43:37)

The Red Terror (Must Listen)

The Red Terror Chapter 5 The Myth Of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry (Audio 45:27)

Hitler On The Jews

Hitler On The Jews: Edited by Thomas Dalton PhD, by Adolf Hitler (Audiobook 7:02:06)

The Protocols (Audiobook)

The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Audiobook 3:28:25)

Photos by Barbra-renee

Full Moon After Hurricane Ian (SW Florida)

Why Beauty Matters (2009)

Why Beauty Matters by Roger Scruton (2009)

“Beauty will save the world.”

Beautiful Aireal

Internet Archive


Aletho News

State Of The Nation



WikiLeaks Files

4 Seven Docs

Over 400 Hand Picked Documentaries

Chapwood Index

The Chapwood Index reflects the true cost-of-living increase in America.

John Williams’ Shadow Stats

“John Williams’ Shadow Government Statistics” is an electronic newsletter service that exposes and analyzes flaws in current United States government economic data.

Track AIPAC Political Traitors

Rob Braxman Tech

Academy Of Ideas

Richardson Nutritional Center

The dedicated provider of high-quality
natural health supplements and products
to improve your wellness.

Free Speech Video Platforms

Adolf Hitler by John Toland

Adolf Hitler by John Toland (Audiobook and Book) And Dozens Of Related Resources

The Myth Of German Villainy

The Myth Of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry (Audiobook) (15:46:13)

Hellstorm (Book)

The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947
by Thomas Goodrich (RIP)

Hellstorm (Documentary)

Hellstorm (Documentary 2015)

The Biggest Cover-Up In History

by Kyle Hunt

Based On The Book

The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947
by Thomas Goodrich (RIP)

Gott Mit Uns

BuelahMan’s Revolt

Aaron Bushnell, Free Palestine

List Of Rallies For Palestine

List of events and actions around the world. This list below will be constantly updated. Please share the link with your friends.

Free Palestine

Fake Jews Stealing Palestine

Since the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917: There have been relentless and merciless atrocities committed by the invading Ashkenazi Jews over the last one hundred and six years to the indigenous Semitic Palestinians, and it must end.

Helene Best Response Orgs

Help Lahaina

David Irving Books

David Irving

David Irving is facing significant health challenges and needs your support today.
David Irving’s family


Your Best Source For Discount Ammo Online

You’ll Never Walk Alone

David Dees Illustrations

The Far Side by Gary Larson

Meetings and Stories

I am writing a book, Meetings and Stories, about my scores of meetings with notable people, predominantly in the arts, and my lifetime of incredibly fascinating stories. I will publish one or two chapters each month on MeetingsAndStories.com.

Robin Williams

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 10, My Two Meetings With Robin Williams

Michael Yeats

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 9, You’re An Irish Poet

Alexander Haig

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 8, Terminological Inexactitude

Pattie Boyd

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 7, Something

Michael Jackson

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis,
Chapter 6, The Genesis Of Beat It

Phil Lynott

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 5, Two Irish Poets

Brian Doyle-Murray

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 4, Driving Brian Doyle-Murray To The Mudd Club

Bill Murray

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 3, Bill Murray Leaving The Nursery At Dawn

Andy Warhol

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 2, Fifteen Seconds With Andy Warhol

Curly Neal

Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 1, Thank You, Curley Neal

Rich Men North Of Richmond

Rich Men North Of Richmond (3:10)

by Oliver Anthony

2 + 2 by Tennessee Jet

2 + 2 by Tennessee Jet (3:36)

Crucifixion And Resurrection

Realizing that the Shroud of Turin is indeed authentic, and the Pharisees were behind the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, along with his miraculous resurrection, are undoubtedly the last three things the diabolical Jewish oligarchy want people to know about.

Shroud Of Turin

Shroud Of Turin: Evidence Of Its Authenticity by The God Talk (1:43:30)

Shroud Of Turin Is Authentic

Conclusive Evidence The Shroud Of Turin Is Authentic by Father Robert Spitzer

Shroud Of Turin New Evidence

The Shroud Of Turin New Evidence With Fr. Andrew Dalton (3:07:39)

The Shroud Of Turin

John-Henry Westen Talks To Experts About The Shroud Of Turin (34:40)

Pilate’s Report To Caesar

Acta Pilate: Pilate’s Report To Caesar Of The Arrest, Trail, Crucifixion, And Resurrection Of Jesus (34:29)

Who Killed Jesus?

ACH (2297) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #92 – Who Killed Jesus? Written by Dr. Peter Hammond (11:58)

Evidence Of The Resurrection

ACH (2183) Pastor Andy’s Christian Message #59 – Christ Is Risen – Evidences For The Resurrection Written by Dr. Peter Hammond (25:13)

Shroud Encounter

The Holy Fire

American Free Press

Europe Renaissance


At Wolf Pack Gold, our mission is to empower individuals with knowledge and help them accumulate gold and silver on a routine basis for effective dollar cost averaging. Founded by Tony Arterburn, owner of Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange, our company was born from a vision to simplify the process of stacking precious metals for both first-time buyers and experienced stackers.


The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold money, that is designed to accommodate any transaction.

In Black And White 8 Episodes

National ARM

National American Renaissance Movement was created to help bring in a New Society through a revival of the American Spirit…

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ~ Buckminster Fuller


PublicSq. is America’s marketplace in the parallel economy that empowers patriots to discover and support companies from a wide variety of industries that share their values. We are the largest, traditional-values-driven marketplace in the country.

Brave Books

Faith-based children’s books that teach traditional values. Upon becoming a father, BRAVE Books founder and CEO, Trent Talbot, saw the inappropriate content being pushed upon children and realized the need for a wholesome alternative. He left his career as a practicing ophthalmologist, to found BRAVE Books and the rest is history!

Third Paradigm

The Nameless War

The 1030 Jewish Expulsions

Mozart Playlist With 123 Posts

The Beatles Playlist

Elvis Presley Playlist

Eva Cassidy Playlist

Linda Ronstadt Playlist

Jim Croce Playlist

Phil Spector Playlist

Nikola Tesla Playlist

Philo Farnsworth Playlist


Les Visible

Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Eleison Comments published each Saturday
by His Excellency Richard N. Williamson

Truth Unchained Six Episodes

Archbishop Carlo Viganò

“The most important speech of our lifetime, Bless you Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò” Mark R. Elsis

Abortion Is Evil

“Abortion is an act of worship to Satan.”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Abortion Sacrament Of Satan

Abortion: “Sacrament” Of Satan (Audio 18:22)

by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

#1 Cause Of Death On Earth

This Is Jewish Ritual Sacrifice, That We Have Let Happen, Must Stop –
Abortion Is Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide For Fourth Year In A Row –
The WHO maintains that “73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.” This Satanic global organization characterizes abortion as an essential health service.

This Satanic Evil Must End

We Must Put An End To This Unfathomable Satanic Evil Of Butchering Babies And Selling Their Body Parts – Maine Senate Refuses To Ban The Trafficking Of Aborted Babies’ Body Parts (16:12) by The David Knight Show

1 Million To End Abortion

—– 1 Million Names Against Abortion —– Tell The Supreme Court To Stop The Killing Our littlest brothers and sisters are being mass murdered daily in the United States by the evil of abortion. It’s time to end it. Please join us today in calling on the United States Supreme Court to end the ongoing, horrific mass murder of abortion. Sign the petition and demand the Supreme Court act now to end abortion – abortion is unconstitutional.

The Procedure (4:01)

————- Abortion ————–
———– by Mark R. Elsis ———–
Thou shalt not kill. Is there something people don’t understand about the Sixth Commandment? I do not believe in government-sanctioned killing, whether it be abortion, capital punishment, or being drafted into a war. There have been about 70,000,000 abortions in the United States, since the despicable Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on January 22, 1973, that approved this genocidal mass murder, called infanticide. Perhaps we should have informative sexual education classes for teenagers, and contraceptives for all. Perhaps people should live up to their obligations, instead of using abortion as an easy way out. Because abortion not only murders the fetus who has no say in the matter, but also does significant psychological harm to the mother, and many times for the father too. And now we have added two new demonic lows to this most horrific act of abortion, Planned Parenthood has been caught selling baby parts from the abortions they provide, and eight states have no gestational limits on abortion, they are: Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Vermont, along with Washington, D.C. If one wants to know when the United States lost its way, and turned into a completely immoral country, it was on Monday, January 22, 1973.

Abortion Archive

Number Of Abortions

Money Tree Publishing

Europa: The Last Battle

— 4 DVD box set • 13 hours, 2 Blu-ray Discs — 13 hours, 11 parts, including bonus episode.

The Greatest Story Never Told

To Watch It For Free Click The Banner Above Or To Purchase It Click The Banner Below

The Greatest Story Never Told

Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (2nd Edition) by Dr. E. Michael Jones

Support Free Speech

December 7, 1941 by MRE

USS Liberty by Mark R. Elsis

“The USS Liberty was repeatedly attacked while in international waters by Israeli air and naval forces on June 8, 1967. The horrific result of this unprovoked attack by the Jewish state was that 34 Americans were murdered, and 174 were wounded. Then there was a complete cover-up of this premeditated mass murder, and for the first time in our history, there wasn’t any retaliation against Israel for committing this act of war. And people naively still think we aren’t owned by these deadly parasites.”
Mark R. Elsis

911 Articles by Mark R. Elsis

Resonate Love by Mark R. Elsis

Resonate Love contains 144 poems written from May 10, 1978 to November 11, 1998.

EarthNewspaper.com Writers

Justice For Lola Daviet

May the cold-blooded murder of Lola Daviet awaken us men, who have already seen far too much evil, to finally do what must be done. It is said that 3% of men started the Revolutionary War. Well, it is time to take our country and world back from the Jewish oligarchy and their shabbos goyim. It is now or never, and we are the last chance.


The United States Isn’t A Country – It’s A Corporation! by Lisa Guliani


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Organic Shelter

Dr. Vernon Coleman Video

Video and transcript: Over 80,000 views.

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Support EarthNewspaper

The Truth About January 6th

https://J6Truth.org and
January 6th Truth Fund: https://GiveSendGo.com/J6Truth

January 6, 2021

BitChute Video Of The Month

This is a must watch: The top video on all of BitChute.com in January 2022, it now has over 185,000 views: AJ DePriest Uncovers The Enormous Covid Bribes To All Education And Hospitals From The US Government (21:40)


Daily Archive

January 2025

Monthly Archive

Monopoly by Tim Gielen

Monopoly – Who Owns The World? A Great Documentary by Tim Gielen – He exposes Vanguard and BlackRock as the largest shareholders of most companies in the S&P 500. Their plan is the Great Reset where they want to enslave every human on earth.

Monopoly by Covid Lie

BlackRock is owned by shareholders. Who are those shareholders? We come to a strange conclusion. The biggest shareholder is Vanguard. But now he gets murky. Vanguard is a private company and we cannot see who the shareholders are.

Support My Work

Meetings and Stories

I am writing a book, Meetings and Stories, about my scores of meetings with notable people, predominantly in the arts, and my lifetime of incredibly fascinating stories. I will publish one or two chapters each month on MeetingsAndStories.com.

John Denver by Mark R. Elsis

John Denver Playlist

For You, John, 41 Years Later

Robert F. Kennedy Playlist

World War III Is Here Folks

Support EarthNewspaper

The Myth Of German Villainy

The Myth Of German Villainy (Book 2nd edition with a foreword by Hellstorm’s Thomas Goodrich) by Benton L. Bradberry

The Enigma Of The Führer


Marilyn Monroe

Time to get the perpetrators


At 423 pages, the most comprehensive timeline on John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Dedicated to my assassinated (by Israel) President on the one hundredth commemoration of his birth, May 29, 2017.
by Mark R. Elsis

Israel Assassinated JFK

“I researched and found out of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200.”
Mark R. Elsis

President John F. Kennedy

Eleven sections with thousands of JFK links: JFK Library; Peace Speech; JFK | RFK Archives; My Writings; My Interviews; Video Playlists; George Herbert Walker Bush; Documentary And Writings On JFK by Laurent Guyénot, Writings On John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Video Rebel; Final Judgment: The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper; JFK Hologram T-Shirt.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (9 Episodes, 1988-2003) by Nigel Turner

Altered History

Altered History (6 Hours and 24 Minutes)
Deceit And Deception In The Autopsy Of JFK
by Douglas P. Horne

50 Reasons For 50 Years

50 Reasons For 50 Years (51 Great Videos)
On The Assassination Of President Kennedy
by Len Osanic

Peace Speech June 10, 1963

Peace Speech by President John F. Kennedy, June 10, 1963 (27:06)
For me, this is greatest speech any United States President ever gave.
President Kennedy mentions the word peace 47 times, and peaceful 2 times.

James Forrestal was of Irish Catholic origin like the Kennedy’s and was close to JFK’s father. Both James Forrestal and Joseph Kennedy are examples of American patriots of Irish stock who were alarmed by Jewish influence over American foreign policy. The entry for December 27, 1945, in James Forrestal’s edited diary states: “Played golf with Joe Kennedy. I asked him about his conversations with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. […] Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.”

By David “DC Dave” Martin

The International Jew (Audio)

The International Jew by Henry Ford

CODOH Bradley R. Smith (RIP)



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