The Hypocrisy of Gary Brennand and Charisse Laverdiere

The Hypocrisy of Gary Brennand and Charisse Laverdiere

I post this in Creality forum but it got removed so her it is in a bigger forum.

It’s time to call out some concerning behavior in the 3D printing community. Gary Brennand and Charisse Laverdiere, who portray themselves as regular 3D printer users, are anything but. These two are paid actors promoting Creality and acting as "brand ambassadors," while pretending to be impartial hobbyists in various forums and groups.

They flood forums with glowing reviews of Creality products, but when anyone mentions their clear collaboration with the company, they outright deny it. Worse, they use their roles as moderators in groups to ban members who call them out or criticize Creality.

I was recently banned from the Creality K2Plus user group just for pointing out obvious issues with Creality Print's poor print profiles. Instead of addressing valid feedback, Gary chose to silence me for stating facts. This is unacceptable and feels like an abuse of power in these communities, where open discussion should be encouraged.

In a video, they even admit to being "brand ambassadors" for Creality. So why the façade? If they’re collaborating with Creality, they should be upfront about it instead of pretending to be independent users while banning anyone who challenges their narrative.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of censorship from them or seen this behavior? Let’s discuss, because this kind of dishonesty and manipulation hurts the entire 3D printing community. Timestamp 46:51

submitted by /u/kilinccagatay

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