Rationality versus Reason | Dr Iain McGilchrist

Iain McGilchrist explains the different types of reason that exist in the world and how each one of them functions, relating that to … source

Democracy and Honest Government | Lord Mervyn King

Lord Mervyn King highlights the growing lack of faith in Western democracies. Baron King of Lothbury is emeritus professor of … source

Kamala Harris Hemorrhaging In Polls | Victor Davis Hanson

Kamala Harris Hemorrhaging Votes | Victor Davis Hanson #kamalaharris #democrats #poll #jdvance. source

The Democrats Have Zero Confidence | Victor Davis Hanson

The Democrats Have Zero Confidence | Victor Davis Hanson #democrats #election #votes #senate. source

What Happens to Australia in WW3? | Peter Court

In this clip, Peter Court analyses Australia’s lack of strategic reserves and the consequences of this if an international crisis … source

Trump vs Biden, Israel, and the Sabotaging of America's Future | Dave Rubin

In this interview John talks to Dave Rubin, author, TV personality and political commentator. John and Dave discuss the current … source

The Four Freedoms | Introduction | Religion, Speech, Association, Property

Throughout history, people have fought and died for political freedom, recognising it as a fundamental human right. This desire … source

Israel, Islam & the New Cold War | Niall Ferguson

John is re-joined by pre-eminent historian Niall Ferguson to analyse the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas. Ferguson … source

The Need For Tough Changes To Indigenous Affairs | Jacinta Price

In this clip Jacinta Price discusses the best ways to deal with Indigenous issues. She asserts that a tough but loving approach … source

The Death Of Transgenderism | Konstantin Kisin

In this video, Konstantin Kisin breaks down transgender ideology, exploring the direction that it is heading. Konstantin Kisin is a … source
