| MORE: Given the global deluge of negative publicity regarding men invading … source
Trans Biological Male Marathoner Defeats 14,000 Women in Race after Competing as Man Months Earlier Inbox
For all these many years I have been writing, exposing the feminist movement as a big lie. It is a misogynist movement rooted in Lenin-Marxist dogma. And now the feminist silence and sanction of the trans males in womens sports is irrefutable proof. Daily Mail: A transgender woman who finished …
Biden Pledges to Veto GOP Bill to Ban Trans Biological Males From Competing in Women’s Sports
Misogyny The left hates women. Biden isn’t making these decisions. He can’t find his ass with both hands (probably why he wears a diaper). The biggest decision that demented old perv makes is what flavor ice cream he’ll have for lunch. This is the position of Democrat leadership. Lia Thomas, …