Fauci, Trudeau and other covid tyrants backtrack their crimes against humanity, claim they never did anything wrong – NaturalNews.com

(Natural News) Now that it is clear the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” is a sinking ship, major government figures like Tony Fauci, Justin Trudeau, and many others who aggressively pushed and enforced covid tyranny are backtracking and pretending as though they never did anything wrong. In speaking last …

Pfizer is terrified of discovery in Brook Jackson’s legal case against the company – “Pfizer lied. People died,” says attorney – NaturalNews.com

(Natural News) Earlier this month, Judge Michael J. Truncale met with whistleblower plaintiff Brook Jackson and defendants Pfizer, Ventavia, and ICON to hear Pfizer’s motion to dismiss the False Claims Act case that Jackson filed against the pharmaceutical giant on behalf of the United States. As you may …

Justice? Anthony Fauci could be indicted on multiple accounts of NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE – NaturalNews.com

(Natural News) Dr. Anthony Fauci oversaw the funding of coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, and bragged about working with the Chinese scientists there. He has infamously argued that conducting such experiments on contagious viruses and increasing their potency was worth the risk, …
