Rob Smith “Hate Crime” on CNN, Colby Covington On Jesse Waters & The Civil War Is Cancelled.

Rob Smith “Hate Crime” on CNN, Colby Covington On Jesse Waters & The Civil War Is Cancelled. All my links: … source

Dentists Hate When You Eat These 7 Foods (Number 3 Will Shock You!)

What if certain foods could actually strengthen and heal your teeth? It sounds crazy, but it’s true! In this video, I’m sharing 6 of the best natural foods and drinks for better dental health. From cheese to celery, these tooth-friendly picks contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that neutralize plaque acid, …

21 campus hate crime hoaxes were revealed this year

“There were 21 campus hate crime hoaxes uncovered this year,” showing that the “demand for racism continues to exceed the supply,” reports The College Fix. “A hate crime hoax occurs when a person admits to fabricating the attack or something that appears criminal turns out to not be, such as …

Why I Hate These People – Konstantin Kisin

I try very hard not to harbour hate In my heart for anyone… BUT… Try Verso’s incredible longevity products and get 15% off by … source

‘Non-Crime Hate’ – American Renaissance

Britain goes full “anarcho-tyranny.” This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. I bet you have never heard of a “non-crime hate incident.” So far as I know, this is an exclusively British perversion. Someone can denounce you for just thinking you said something rude about our usual pets …

Democrat Mayor Lied, Plotted With Career Criminal In Hate Crime HOAX Probe But DOJ Refused To Charge Him, FBI Official Says

George Behizy:Yemi Mobolade, the Black Mayor of Colorado Springs, just got busted for plotting with the career criminal who staged a hate crime to rig the election by doing a KKK-style cross burning & spray-painting the N-word on his campaign sign. The FBI referred Mobolade for prosecution for lying to …

“That's not my job,” an attitude I hate amongst doctors

Vinay Prasad, MD MPH; Physician & Professor Hematologist/ Oncologist Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine … source

Schumer moves to silence criticism of Israel as hate speech with ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act’ –

Schumer moves to silence criticism of Israel as hate speech with ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act’ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is trying to ram through the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” to silence criticism of Jews and Israel as hate speech and empower the federal government to crack down on anti-Israel protests …

Hate Crime or Bit? – EP156

We have a LIT episode for you today. In Housekeeping we go over the Planet Fitness double down and do a TWINK AUDIT on … source

3 Reasons Why Japanese Hate Beards #Shorts

A lot of YouTube videos say that Japanese people really hate beards, but why is that? As far as I’ve done some research, there … source

LOL – Democrats Officially Hate This

Learn about Chuck Norris’s secret methods at Catch my Rumble Livestream every Tuesday at … source

The Left’s War On Reality: Dutch Deputy PM Accused of Felony for Noting That Many Muslims Hate Jews

Is there no end to the absurdities that the establishment media and the leftists who dominate the popular culture demand that we accept? There are so many of them, and more all the time. There is the idea that men who think they’re women and women who think they’re men …

Tim Walz wants to ban ‘misinformation’ and ‘hate speech’; progressives define facts and conservative views as ‘hate speech’ and ‘disinformation’

At the vice presidential debate yesterday, Tim Walz backed curbs on “hate speech” and misinformation, wrongly believing they are not protected by the First Amendment — even though most hate speech is protected by the First Amendment, and most disinformation is protected by the First Amendment. As the Supreme Court …

HATE SPEECH and EXTREMISM now the norm for top Democrat politicians when they speak about Donald J. Trump and incite Americans to try to ASSASSINATE him –

HATE SPEECH and EXTREMISM now the norm for top Democrat politicians when they speak about Donald J. Trump and incite Americans to try to ASSASSINATE him Democrats and Liberals incessantly decry that everyone else engages in hate speech and extremism when they denounce Democrat and Liberal extremist platforms, like …

The Problems with Regulating Hate Speech | Jordan Peterson

In this clip, Jordan Peterson follows through to the logical conclusion of hate speech regulation. Watch the full conversation here: … source

Florida State Rep. Randy Fine celebrates Israel killing an American citizen –

“Fire Away”: Florida State Rep. Randy Fine celebrates Israel killing an American citizen Jewish Florida State Rep Randy Fine (R) reacted to news that Israel killed an American peace activist in the occupied West Bank by celebrating and encouraging the Jewish state to “fire away” and kill even more. …

My Response To The Hate … Repeal the 19th?

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Why I HATE Airports

The worst airports in Australia, Stave vs State Grab a C*NTAS Shirt: And yes, … source

Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

On October 7 last year, ordinary civilians in Israel were the victims of extraordinary savagery. Hamas terrorists killed young people at a music festival, often in gruesome ways. Families were slaughtered in suburban homes. By any civilized moral standards, there ought to be overwhelming sympathy for a country subjected to …
