Blue State Primed To Clear Cut Hundreds Of Acres Of Forest To Make Way For Solar Panels

By Nick Pope Michigan is poised to cut down hundreds of acres of forest in order to make space for a solar panel development, MLive reported Thursday. The state will soon start competitive bidding on approximately 420 acres of forested land near Gaylord, Michigan, to clear space for a solar …

Solar Panels Aim to Protect Mexican Family Farming — Global Issues

The public National Autonomous University of Mexico operates a demonstration agrovoltaic plot to study the effects of the mixture of solar energy and crops in the town of San Miguel Topilejo, in the south of Mexico City. Credit: Emilio Godoy / IPS by Emilio Godoy (san migel topilejo, mexico) Thursday, September …

Flexible nanogenerator with enhanced power density could one day rival the power of solar panels

Credit: University of Surrey Your early morning run could soon help harvest enough electricity to power your wearable devices, thanks to a new nanotechnology developed at the University of Surrey. Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) has developed highly energy-efficient, flexible nanogenerators, which demonstrate a 140-fold increase in power density when …

Net Zero by 2050 is not happening

Our thanks to FE Battery Metals for sponsoring today’s video. To learn more about their latest lithium projects, visit their website: … source

Dire Cancer Drug Shortage Forces DEATH PANELS | Breaking Points

Krystal breaks down an alarming shortage of a key cancer drug in The United States. To become a Breaking Points Premium … source

Researchers develop a four-wheeled, two orthogonal axes mechanism robot to maintain plants grown under solar panels — ScienceDaily

Synecoculture is a new agricultural method advocated by Dr. Masatoshi Funabashi, senior researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. (Sony CSL), in which various kinds of plants are mixed and grown in high density, establishing rich biodiversity while benefiting from the self-organizing ability of the ecosystem. However, such dense vegetation …

Robotic parts could be assembled into nimble spider bots for exploring lava tubes or heavy-duty elephant bots for transporting solar panels. — ScienceDaily

When astronauts begin to build a permanent base on the moon, as NASA plans to do in the coming years, they’ll need help. Robots could potentially do the heavy lifting by laying cables, deploying solar panels, erecting communications towers, and building habitats. But if each robot is designed for a …
