Racist conspiracies are on the rise in America. But other hysterias are also lessening. Will there be a return to normalcy? Join us … source
What if a Fool Has the Launch Codes? | The Cuban Missile Crisis I Day 06
On October 21 1962, politicians and military in both the US and in the USSR seem to have contradictory views on what to do next. source
Black Saturday, Nuclear War on Autopilot | The Cuban Missile Crisis | Day 12
On October 27, 1962 a deal to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis is ever so close, but then almost everything that can go wrong, … source
President Kennedy Decides for War? | The Cuban Missile Crisis I Day 05
On Saturday October 20th, 1962, US President John F Kennedy moves to side more with the hawks advising a forceful response … source
Il Duce and the Fascist Abuse of History | B2W: ZEITGEIST! I E.17 – Harvest 1922
The modern age is an age of modern things. But it is also an age when people yearn for times past. One of the main men to … source
A Secret Soviet Nuclear Transport Operation | The Cuban Missile Crisis | Day 03
On October 18 1962, President Kennedy meets with USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, one of the architects of placement of … source
Between 2 Wars is Back!
Between 2 Wars is back on TimeGhost History. This second season will be longer than the first and the focus is a bit different. source
Frankenstein and the Socialist Origins of Electronic Music | B2W: ZEITGEIST! | E.09 – Harvest 1920
There is a surprising connection between sci-fi films and the technological policies of Soviet Russia. Watch to find out… Join us on … source
Salvador Dali and the Birth of Surrealism | B2W: ZEITGEIST! I E.25 Harvest 1924
The Surrealist Movement is born this season with unsurprising eccentric drama. Salvador Dali will one day be a part of it, but for … source
A New World Order? – The World Power Conference | B2W: ZEITGEIST! I E.24 Summer 1924
The League of Nations is just one manifestation of a broader ideal in the interwar years. Within a palace in the heart of the British … source
OK Zoomer – Why We Should Be Cautious Condemning Boomers
Will OK Zoomer someday become a common joke against Zoomers? Will the maturity of time make the Millennials and the … source
Cribs 180320 – Between-2-Wars and timeghost.tv launch
Spartacus rambles on a bit about the state of the world and the fluctuations in international wheat and sugar trade… No he doesn’t! source
TimeGhost Cribs Xmas Edition – Back To The Future
Indy and Sparty launch into a monologue about toast and its doubtful future- can it survive in the world of tomorrow? Actually, no … source
The Second World War – Operation Dynamo completed, The Long March has started.
Thank you all for your support so far! Every minute, every hour we move closer to launching The Second World War as the largest … source
The Zionism of Albert Einstein | B2W: ZEITGEIST! I E.11 – Spring 1921
Albert Einstein may be renowned for his work in the field of science, but this season he is fundraising for a new Jewish university. source
Killer Submarines Sneaking Through the Blockade | The Cuban Missile Crisis | Day 09
On October 24, 1962, the US-led blockade on Cuba goes into effect, but It’s not the showdown that it looks like! At least not on the … source
The creators of ‘The Great War’ are starting a new adventure!
Hi, I’m Indy Neidell, writer and host of The Great War, the first ever global real time interactive documentary. Together with … source
DicKtionary – A is for Air Force – Curtis LeMay
A is for Air Force, you know that of course And we turn to the states to look at the dates When the man in command, that some couldn’t stand Is our hero today, … source